with Singer-Songwriter, Storyteller & Puppeteer Lydia Adams Davis

Program is scalable to an assembly program for Pre-K through 4th+ Grade.
An interactive performance for children ages 4-11+
Length: 45 min – 1 hour
In “One Earth So Green and Round,” award-winning songwriter/musician Lydia Adams Davis brings her irreverent troupe of animal puppets to a performance of original nature songs and stories. Children get a chance to become puppeteers in this educational concert which includes plenty of improvisation, audience participation, and a bit of sign language.
During the program, families will be introduced to characters like “The Wide Mouth Frog” and Tessie Turtle. Lydia sings the part of an inquisitive and somewhat clueless reporter in the guise of a homemade sock puppet. For workshops and class room programs, children can select finger puppet animals that they create in advance, which the frog or turtle will interview, one character at a time.
Beaver -The most popular of Lydia’s hand puppets, Beaver teaches the song “My House Is a Construction Zone” children may act out the lyrics.
Bumblebee– Lydia brings bumblebee puppets to the shows and/or classrooms. Children may use them to help pollinate flowers to the tune of “Be a Bumblebee.” Classrooms may choose to make puppets and flowers in advance.
All songs in the program appear on Lydia’s CDs “One Earth So Green and Round” and “We All Have Lunch with Lydia Adams Davis”. Contact us for free download.
The program can be enhanced with educational workshops such as:
Creating puppets
Building backdrops or puppet stage for characters
Researching animal habitats
Learning about aquatic life and how it is affected by climate change
Writing animal poems and/or songs
Creating a play on video
American Sign Language is incorporated into many of the programs. Lydia holds a Masters Degree in Special Education. Special Needs audiences are welcome.