
Colonial Performances

What do James and Dolley Madison, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and George Mason have in common?
A. They were all famous 18th Century Virginians
B. Lydia Adams Davis celebrates their lives and accomplishments in original ballads
C. They liked Ice Cream
D. All of the above

Lydia entertains with a soprano voice, playing guitar, dulcimer and, when available, harpsichord. Lydia will tell true to life stories of men, women and children from the early years of America and into the 19th century, wearing Colonial costume. Anecdotal humor and audience participation. Dressed in authentic Colonial garb, Lydia Adams Davis brings to life the daily activities of families living in the Hudson Valley during the colonial and revolutionary war times. Accounts of bravery, treachery, political buffoonery and patriotism are melodically expressed in familiar and obscure historical songs.

Personalities featured in performances are Granny Wales, Robert Erskine (of Long Pond Iron Works), Abigail Adams, and composite Dutch, British and “American” families.